Medical Qi Gong

Therapies Offered

Auricular (Ear) Seeds

$50 per session - about 15 min.

Auriculotherapy, or auricular therapy, or ear acupuncture, or auriculoacupuncture is a form of alternative medicine based on the idea that the ear is a microsystem of the entire body represented on the auricle, the outer portion of the ear. image

Auricular therapy is performed with small seeds that are taped to your ear.  Usually, 4 or 5 seeds are used for each ear.  You can wear the seeds for up to 5 days.  The result is like a really long acupuncture treatment!

Ailments of the entire body are assumed to be treatable by stimulation of the surface of the ear exclusively. Similar mappings are used in reflexology and iridology. These mappings are not based on or supported by any medical or scientific evidence.[1][2][3]

Auricular acupuncture writers often make the claim that the method goes back to early Chinese sources. In fact, there are only a few references in Chinese medicine texts that make that reference plausible. The main claims are that the Han Dynasty book Huangdi Neijing states that the kidneys open in the ears, so that superfluous substances of the kidneys are deposited in the ears, making the ears an instrument of diagnosis. Also the same text states that many channels (Jingluomai/meridians) exit in the ear.

Auriculotherapy was developed by the French neurologist Paul Nogier in 1957[citation needed] using a phrenological method of projection of a fetalHomunculus on the ear for reference of complaints and points for treatment. The method is an offshoot of Phrenology.

In 1980, a double blind experimentally controlled research study at UCLA Pain Management Center department of anesthesiology UCLA School of Medicine conducted a research study by Richard J. Kroeuning M.D., Ph.D and Terry D. Oleson Ph.D. This study reported in the medical journal, PAIN, verified the scientific accuracy of ear diagnosis. There is a statistically significant level of 75% accuracy achieved in diagnosing musculoskeletal pain problems in 40 pain patients. [4]

Medical Qi Gong

$250 per 1 hour session

Medical Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese Medical practice that combines slow movements, conscious breathing, and focused mental attention to strengthen and enhance the flow of Qi (energy) throughout your body. Rather than addressing your symptoms (as Western medicine tends to do), Medical Qi Gong addresses your ailment at its very source by healing your entire being — mentally, emotionally and physically.

Here is an example of an easy Qi Gong exercise for you to learn.  Daily practice can help improve your health.